
템플릿 – Features With Color Blocks

Certainty or Confidence

Two examples of image are local edge orientation and local velocity in an image sequence.


In addition to having certainty measures included in the representation, the representation of the corresponding feature values may itself be suitable.

Feature Vectors

In some applications it is not sufficient to extract only one type of feature to obtain the relevant information from the image data.

Computer Vision

In computer vision and image processing, a feature is a piece of information which is relevant for solving the computational task related to a certain application.

Feature Representation

A specific image feature, defined in terms of a specific structure in the image data, can often be represented in different ways.


단체명: 사회적협동조합 우리다움

사업자 번호: 736-82-00162

대표자: 하경희


주소: 경기도 성남시 중원구 광명로 111 인성빌딩 4층 401-2호

대표번호: 070-4209-3299

이메일 주소: woori-dw2016@naver.com

통신판매업신고: 2022-성남분당C-0698

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